July 2012 DASFA Director-y

Our July program is author Travis Heerman. A freelance writer, poet, screenwriter, podcaster, English instructor, poker player, biker, and roustabout, Heerman is the author of two published novels (Heart of the Ronin and The Ivory Star) plus the upcoming Rogues of the Black Fury and a metric ton of role-playing game work. His short fiction pieces have appeared in Cemetery Dance, Historical Lovecraft, Library of Horror Press, Pulp Empire and others. Travis has recently relocated to Lakewood and we're delighted to welcome him to the Denver area and DASFA. Be sure to come hear his reading and Q&A session, and plan to head out to the Dead Dog party afterward! (Location elsewhere in the newsletter.)

The June meeting was smallish—various people may have been at Denver Comic Con, which was huge—but those of who came had fun with SF Pictionary. I think it may be time to rotate that back into the MileHiCon schedule... it’s been several years.

Despite the rain, there was a good turnout for the combination July Alternate & Fascinating Person Birthday Potluck … yummy food, good conversation and a minimal amount of ping pong. Thans to those who came to help me celebrate!

The August picnic is set for Cherry Knolls Park (near Arapahoe & University) on August 18 from noon to 5 pm, with a Dead Dog afterwards at Alastair Mayer’s in Centennial. Our illustrious Director of Vice asked about a badminton set … anyone have one? I’m more a Frisbee gal myself.

Matthew and I will be heading to Bubonicon next month … anybody else planning to attend?

Yours in fandom,