If you enjoyed Sam Knight’s presentation at our November meeting I am going to question your sanity. While Sam is a very pleasant person and was looking forwards to being our guest, cold weather and a general response that most members did not wish to journey out on such a night led me to cancel the meeting. I am working with Sam to get him rescheduled for next year.
November Meeting Cancelled
I have decided to go a head and cancel tonight's meeting due to weather as it sounds like no one really wishes to go out if they do not have to. We will have to spend some time at the Christmas party on DASFA business. Please help spread the word so no one has to go out in this weather.
November Director-y (2014 edition)
This year just keeps getting away from me. Seems like there was a whole lot happening to keep me and the family busy..
I hope everyone found Stant Latore’s presentation for last month’s meeting as enjoyable as I did. He asked if I would pass along the cover reveal for Ansible 15715 http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1126477.
September Director-y (2014 edition)
It looked like our annual geek picnic went over well. We had a real good turnout this year and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I got some good pictures of it that I put up on our meetup page, http://www.meetup.com/Denver-Area-Science-Fiction-Association/photos/239....
August Director-y (2014 Edition)
The summer is flying by. August is already here and we’ve been keeping busy. I ended up co–writing a script for the 48 Hour Film Challenge, which is always a unique experience. This year we got permission to film at the Denver County Fair, which added to the fun. I did learn that people are drawn to press passes and that I need to find a way to get one more often.
June's Director-y (2014 Edition)
Last meeting thanks to Tony, Dan and Nick with Giant Gnome Productions (http://www.giantgnome.com/) we learned that audio dramas are still going strong. Once they got our little crowd going it ended up being a very interesting and informative presentation. I was pleased to see that we had members who were excited to learn that Audio Dramas were still an active entertainment format.
We should start rubbing it in to the absentee members about all they miss out on when they miss the monthly meetings.
May Director-y (2014 edition)
Okay, it is May already.
I hope everyone enjoyed last month’s guest Mark Everett Stone. I seem to run into him at every convention I go to. I talked with him at Starfest and he said he enjoyed his experience with our little group.
This was the first Starfest I had made it to in about a decade. It was only my youngest boy and me who were able to attend, but we had a fun time of it, even if he spent most of the con playing video games. There were lots of great costumes as expected. I also got to see my ‘con’ friends, a group that continues to grow with each convention I make it to.
April Director-y (2014 edition)
March was a bit of a crazy month, but we somehow survived.
I hope everyone enjoyed Peter Wacks’ presentation at our last meeting. Check out his website http://peterjwacks.com/ to learn more.
Our guest this month will be writer Mark Everett Stone. You can learn more about him at his web page, http://www.markeverettstone.com/about-mark.html.
March Director-y (2014 Edition)
We are not well into 2014. There is a lot going on and a lot to get ready for it.
My family is working on putting together costumes for us to wear at the various conventions we are planning on making it to this year. I will actually be going in costume this year with two different costumes I am working on.
February Director-y (2014 edition)
I hope everyone has been doing well with this cold wet weather that we’ve been seeing. It didn’t keep people away from our February Alternate at the Crawford’s place. We had a good crowd show up and as always some good conversations going on.
If you want a truly odd little thing to occupy your time while goofing around on-line, check out Neil Gaiman reading Green Eggs and Ham (http://www.worldbuilders.org/our-next-stretch-goal-unlocks-at/neil-gaima...). It is part of his helping the charity group Worldbuilders.