June 2010 Director-y

Our June program will be a fun and interactive reprise of Name that Sci-Fi Tune with host Tim Simpson. Come compete or simply watch and be amazed and amused! What with one thing and another, I am almost certainly not going to be able to attend the meeting, but director of vice Paul will stand in for me.

Coming up:
July Alternate will be at chez Beetem/Gibbons. Because of the holiday, we will start earlier than usual--around 3 pm. I’m hoping for a borrowed grill so we can do BBQ kinds of things and eat watermelon, and there will be plenty of time for folks to go off and watch fireworks if that’s their pleasure.

The alternate is also the deadline for those people who are going to the group King Tut visit on August 8 to get their ticket payment to me, as I will need to pay for the tickets a month ahead of time.

July Picnic – thanks to Thea, we have a reservation at Progress Park in Littleton! Is there any coordinating of stuff we want to do? Talk amongst yourselves, maybe at the Dead Dog at Bruce & Sandy’s ….

July DASFA meeting – local authors Mario Acevedo and Jeanne Stein will be our guests. Don’t miss it!

Past/Upcoming Parties & Plans

  • I missed the May Dead Dog at Erik’s, but hope everything went okay. Reports?
  • The June Alternate (aka Gail & Sourdough’s Garden Party) seemed to go well. I didn’t get there until around 9:30 but the fire was still going and people were still talking away.
  • Still hoping to get a new edition of the DASFA Directory out this summer (in plenty of time for holiday card-sending). If you have never been in and would like to be (membership not required—but always appreciated!), or if you’ve moved, changed phone/email address since last time, email the basic info below to me.

Yours in Fandom,

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DASFA Directory Listing Form
This information can also be sent to me electronically at rosebeetem@hotmail.com … in fact, that would be easier!
Name; ____________________________________________________________________________
Address/City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________
Interests (not required but useful at times): ________________________________________________