September Director-y (2014 edition)

It looked like our annual geek picnic went over well. We had a real good turnout this year and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I got some good pictures of it that I put up on our meetup page,

I wrote my last directory at the beginning of the second Myths and Legends Con. It was a nice little convention. Intimate and relaxing. Rashaad Santiago, the winner of last season’s Faceoff, was the big guest for the convention. Nikki has a great story about how she got him for the convention. Rashaad was a very nice guy and had some great stories about his time on Faceoff and how he got into makeup. His actually trained himself off of youtube videos. He is looking to relocate to Colorado, so there is a good chance he will become a regular at the local conventions.

The new season of Doctor Who has started up with Peter Capaldi as the lasts incarnation of The Doctor. My boys and I got to enjoy the season premiere at the Sie FilmCenter at an event hosted by Denver Comic Con. They started off the night with a costume contest and finished up with trivia. I ended up taking first place in both and Hayden won the kids costume category, so we left with some nice DCC swag. It was also great to see many fans I know from the various local conventions. There really is a great geek fan base out here. Due to the success of the premiere, the Sie FilmCenter is going to screen each new episode every week for the full new series.

The Halloween stores are starting to open up for the season. I of course had to get to one as soon as I could. I was very pleased to see that Doctor Who finally got some space, even if it was not much. Good to see that American businesses are finally paying attention to the show’s popularity. There was also a full wall of Game of Thrones costumes and accessories. Geek culture really is dominating costumes more and more ever year. A really good sing in my book.

J has made the official release date for Taurin Tales Oct. 15th. Anyone interested in pre-ordering it, links to all initial formats can be found here: Here is the table of contents to see who all have been involved in putting this new shared universe together,

  • Hiding in Plain Sight by David Lee Summers
  • Something Alien by D. Moonfire
  • A Peaceful Evening by Ian Brazee-Cannon
  • Fade to Green by Tyree Campbell
  • Blindspot by Anna Paradox
  • Surf’s Up by Laura Givens
  • Sorting Through the Rubble by Ian Brazee-Cannon
  • Across the White by Rick Novy
  • The Iphis Crisis by Tyree Campbell

Many of these authors should be at MileHiCon and J will have copies with him then.

I had hoped to be able to announce our September guest, but for whatever reasons I am not getting replies back. Keep an eye on our facebook and meetup pages. As soon as I have something confirmed I will get it posted.