(Copied from http://norilana.livejournal.com/177319.html .)
This is a difficult post for me to write, since I am once again asking for help.
But... I'll try to make it short and only bittersweet.
As many of you know, I am losing my home to foreclosure. (Some of the almost-unbelievable hellish details of these past 4 years can be seen here.)
Because I cannot afford the cost of living here, in June, I am moving from Los Angeles, California to a small town in Vermont...
... driving in a rickety ancient jeep with my cancer survivor mother and four old sick animals (2 cats, 2 dogs -- one dog is diabetic and needs insulin injections twice a day), all the way, cross-country...
... leaving most of the furniture behind, while bringing only the art and the Norilana Books computer office equipment and business files, and the most important beloved books....
... losing my health insurance -- and of course this is happening at a time when I need surgery.
Yes, I realize that people all across the world are in dire circumstances for various horrendous reasons. So all I can ask is very little -- just very basic and easy help from you:
- Please re-post or LINK to this on your own blog or website. Basically, I am asking you to spread the word. That's possibly the single most important thing you can do to help me.
- If you can afford it, buy a Norilana book -- ANY BOOK. That means in any edition (paper print or ebook), by any author. There are hundreds of titles for you to chose from, in a variety of editions.
Here are some great recent releases:

The Norilana Books complete catalog is huge, with plenty to choose from for all reader tastes.
Want one of the classics, in hardcover or paperback? There are plenty of gorgeous editions to choose from.
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Or science fiction? *hint* The Warrior Wisewoman anthology series, volumes 1-3 makes a great gift for the SF lover!
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Whatever it is, Norilana's got you covered.
So, enjoy some great reading, all the while knowing that you have made a difference.
A profound thank you!